The academic toppers from various schools within the Monggar Dzongkhag.

21 February 2024


Coinciding with His Majesty’s Birthday Celebration, there was also an academic component to the event. The academic toppers from various schools within the Monggar Dzongkhag were recognized and awarded prizes by the chief guest of the event, Ven. Lam Neten.

This blending of religious and academic activities underscores the holistic approach to education and societal values in our country. It highlights the importance placed on both spiritual development and intellectual achievement within the community.

Congratulations to all the academic toppers from the schools in Monggar Dzongkhag! Your dedication and hard work have been recognized, and this achievement is a testament to your commitment to excellence in your studies. Keep up the great work and continue to strive for success in all your endeavors. Your efforts are truly commendable, and may this accomplishment serve as inspiration for your future pursuits. Well done!

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