Ka-Ja Throm Inauguration

Wed, 05 June 2024

On 4th June 2024, coinciding with 34th birth anniversary of Her Majesty the Gyaltsuen, Gyalpoishing Ka-Ja Throm was inaugurated and grace the opening ceremony by His Royal Highness Gyaltsab Jigme Dorji Wangchuck. This important occasion was attended by Dasho Tashi Dorji (chairperson of DSP), Dasho Dzongdag, Dasho Drangpoen,Lam Neten, Dasho SP, Thrizin (of 6 eastern Dzongkhag), Officials from Gyaltsab office, Gups, regionals and sectors head, Singers and Artists from Thimphu and other civil servants and the public of Monggar Dzongkhag.
