The 6th DT of the 2nd Local Government.

18 June 2019


The sixth Dzongkhag Tshogdu (DT) of the 2nd Local Government (LG) of Mongar Dzongkhag is being conducted on 16th and 17th day of the 04th Bhutanese calendar which falls on 18th and 19th June 2019.

DT Thrizin chaired and graced the opening ceremony of the DT in the presence of Hon’ble Dasho Dzongdag, Lop Umzey, Dasho SP, Dasho Dzongrab, Dasho Drungpa, Elected members of the LG (Gups and Mangmis), Regional Heads, Dzongkhag Sector Heads and Gewog Administrative Officers. The session began with the Zhugdrel Phuensum Tshogpa and offering of Marchang ceremony.

The meeting is being scheduled for two days and the house will deliberate on the following key agendas:

  1. Review on the deliberations made during 2nd till 5th DT.
  2. Discussion on agenda received from GT.
  3. Sector related issues.
  4. General issues.

The DT session will end tomorrow.